The theme in junior infants was harvest and Autumn. The children have been working their way through different stations in Aistear which are all designed to help them learn about our theme in a fun and interactive way.

Our first station involved harvesting various crops such as carrots, potatoes, peas and brussel sprouts. We divided the crops into sets and discussed which set had the most and the least in it. Later in the week we used the vegetables to paint print our Harvest themed pictures.

Another station made clay hedgehogs and pumpkins which we painted the following week. In order to paint our pumpkins orange we learnt about colour mixing and what two colours make orange.

Our third station was the farm, the children looked after the animals , feeding them and planting different crops on the farm.

Our fourth station was going on a nature trail with Niamh to spot the signs of Autumn. The children were busy filling out their fact sheet based on what they saw.

Other activities for the two weeks included learning about tall and small in maths, we all built tall and small towers using different materials.

We also buddied up with Laura’s 6th class to be amongst the first classes to walk through our new outdoor classroom. This was a great day and lovely to see Fran again and say a proper goodbye.

Also in art we used our knowledge of colour mixing and took it a step further to create all different colours to finger print leaves onto our Autumn ‘hand trees’ . We felt like proper artists with a pallet full of newly mixed colours creating a beautiful Autumn scene.

We also had our first visit to the school library and we had our first dress up day in school and bake sale! Finally, I dont know how we found the time but we also made our own musical instruments.

Next month in Aistear our theme will be ‘Houses and Homes’.
