Junior Infants returned to school refreshed and full of energy after the Midterm break. We started the theme ‘Homes and Houses’ and had our first Outdoor Learning lesson with Louise.
In English we read the story ‘The 3 little pigs’ and started group 4 of our letter sounds. This group of letter sounds introduces the children to digraphs (where 2 letters make 1 sound). Thank you for all your continued work on sounds at home. Keep up the great work and watch out for those double trouble sounds ‘ai’ and ‘oa’ this weekend, especially if you are washing your hands with ‘soap’ or if it starts to ‘rain’.
Our Irish lessons focused on ‘Sa Bhaile’ (At Home) and we learned the poem ‘Mo theach’ / ‘My house.
The children explored tall and small, long and short, wide and narrow in Maths. This integrated nicely with our theme as we examined different types of homes and houses.
The sun was shining for our first Outdoor Learning lesson and the children were dressed for the cooler weather. The lesson began with a warmup game of tag. This was followed by an activity where the children used natural resources to make houses for the 3 Little Pigs. All 3 teachers (Louise, Sharon and Kate) were impressed by the creativity and team work they saw. For the second activity the children used clay to make characters from the story. Everyone agreed that our first Outdoor lesson was a definite highlight this week.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and well-deserved rest.
The Junior Infant Team.