I hope Junior Infants are feeling very pleased with themselves after a very busy few weeks at school. Enjoy looking at pictures showing some of their lessons and activities.

In English the children have just completed the first group of Jolly Phonics letter sounds s, a, t, i, p, n. You might hear them singing the letter songs or find them doing sound hunts around the house. The link below can be used to hear the correct pronunciation of the letter sounds.


Maths lessons have focused on classifying and matching objects according to colour and size.

‘Myself and My School’ has been the Aistear theme. Station activities included; a colour walk around the school, the Home Corner, Construction (building schools, houses, and their journey to school), Junk Art, Playdough faces and the sand table.

The boys and girls have great enthusiasm for learning Irish, Mé fein (Myself) is this month’s theme. You might hear the children singing tunes such as ‘Is mise an traein’ or ‘Lámh lámh eile’.

In PE the children are learning a variety of playground games such as traffic lights, animal safari, the bean game and many more. They also enjoyed taking the parachute out during the sunny weather.

In Learn Together we have been reading the Jenny Mosley’s Golden Rules story books and learning about ‘Rosh Hashanah’, the Jewish New Year festival.

Next week we will introduce the Doctor’s Surgery into our theme. Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.