Dear school community
We hope that everyone is well and looking forward to the mid term break next week.
The PTA are delighted that the Winter Fair will go ahead this year and we are looking forward to welcoming you all on SUNDAY 26th NOVEMBER between 12 and 4pm to the school. As you are all aware, the Winter Fair was a great success last year, and in recent years, and we hope to make this fair even better!
In preparation for the winter fair we would greatly appreciate and encourage you to get involved in helping both before, during and after the fair. Your help and support is both needed and greatly appreciated in the following ways:
Craft/Goods Stalls Are you interested in renting and operating a stall on the day, please email [email protected] to express an interest in stall places.
Raffle Prizes We are looking for luxury goods, items, vouchers or services. If you would like to donate a prize or would be happy to ask for a prize donation in work we would greatly appreciate it In addition if you are a busy owner and would like to offer any services and/or prizes as part of the Raffle, please email us to [email protected] if you are able to assist.
Bottle Stall Can you donate pre-loved unopened bottles (perfumes, food items, alcohol)?
Plants – We will be asking for plants to be donated this year for our new plant stall and we will organise a wheelbarrow for people to drop plants into. We will write separately again to give you dates of when the wheelbarrow will be available and we would ask that any plants which are left are clearly labelled.
Festive Jumpers – If you would like to donate any good quality festive jumpers we can use on our Festive Jumper stall, we would be delighted to receive these.
Please note we will not be accepting any clothes/toys/books or bric a brac this year so please do not donate any of these items for the fair.
If you are in a position to donate for the bottle stall and/or Christmas/Festive jumpers the following collection times will be available outside the school
Tuesday 7th November at 1.20p.m and 2.20p.m.
Thursday 9th November at 1.20p.m. and 2.20p.m.
Tuesday 14th November 1.20p.m. and 2.20p.m.
Thursday 16th November 1.20p.m. and 2.20p.m.
We also need volunteers in the run up to the Winter Fair- to help organise in advance, set up for the Fair, tidy up afterwards and to help out on the day. Please email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer some time to help.
We are really looking forward to a lovely event for the whole school community to come together.
Before signing off, we also thought we would introduce everyone to the members of the Parent Teachers Association this year who were recently elected and we will hopefully see you all at the Winter Fair!!
Wendy Doyle (Chairperson)
Stephanie Galvin (Secretary)
Conor Wickham (Treasurer)
Avril Kilfeather
Anja Karamalis
Aline Byrne
Elaine McAuley
Sophie Barnes
Jennifer Keane
Aoife O’Malley
Kind Regards
PTA Chairperson