Yvonne Garrigan, Deirdre Flanagan, Tara Crawford, Sinead Tyner, Aoife Kelliher, Magda Joyce
Apologies: Sinead Watson, Kate Kelly, Janice Doyle, Lisa Jervis, Vanessa Shipman, Toni Walsh, Isobel O’Duffy
1. Farewell to Marine House
We don’t have a definite date for our move to the new school, but we are going to make a start on plans for the Farewell to Marine House event coupled with Brendan’s retirement. The provisional date for this is Friday 27th of May, from 1pm to 4pm.
We would like to get as many people as possible to attend on the day, including current and past students and their families. Children from all classes will perform and there will be refreshments served.
We would welcome any photos or other memories to add to our Marine House display.
Parents will be contacted by class reps ahead of this with details of donations requested to help fund this event.
2. Open evening for new Junior Infants parents
The open evening will be held on Tuesday 12th of April at 8pm for parents of next year’s Junior Infants. Lisa Jervis has volunteered to help with serving tea and coffee on the night.
3. International Food Day
International Food Day has been postponed until October.
4. My Marine House Commemorative Postcard Project
The closing date for entry is Friday 29th April. Everyone who submits an entry will receive a proof in postcard form (much like the process for the Christmas cards), and will be given the option to purchase a pack of postcards. All entries will form a collage which will be displayed as part of our Farewell To Marine House celebrations.
5. Active Week
- Active Week runs from Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June.
- Bike Day will be held on Wednesday 1st June. Aoife Kelliher will coordinate.
- Sports Day will be held on Thursday 2nd June
There will be various other events organised during the week, with more details to follow.
6. Educate Together AGM
The AGM will be held on 21st May. Further details on this will be available on the school website next week.
7. Educate Together 2nd Level
The North Wicklow Educate Together 2nd level school will be temporarily located next to Presentation College Bray off the Vevay Road. It will open in September 2016.
8. School Photos
County Photos will return on Friday 13th May to take 6th class photos and anyone who didn’t get their photo taken the first time around.
9. Percent for Art
This week’s newsletter gives information on the Percent For Art scheme, including a request for 2 parents to sit on the committee. If you are interested taking part in this, the closing date for this is Friday 29th April.
More information is available here:
6. Next PTA meeting
The next PTA meeting is scheduled to be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday 11th May.