The need to learn more about the content of the Curriculum was identified during our recent Ethos Whole School Self Assessment. Please download the following document for an overview of the content of the 4 Strands:
The National Curriculum
The Irish National Curriculum was launched by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in 1999. The curriculum incorporates child-centred principles and identifies three aims of primary education as:
- To enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or her potential as a unique individual.
- To enable the child to develop as a social being through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society.
- To prepare the child for further education and lifelong learning.
The curriculum is learner-centred. It emphasises the importance of literacy, numeracy and language, while at the same time responding to changing needs in science and technology, social, personal and health education and citizenship.
The curriculum is presented in six subject areas comprising 11 subjects. The development and implementation of the curriculum in religious education in primary schools remains the responsibility of the relevant patron bodies.
For more information on the National Curriculum, visit the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment website.
The Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum
Ethical Education Curriculum Mission Statement:
To promote a philosophy of education in which no child is considered an outsider; which promotes the fullest development of ability irrespective of gender, class or stereotype and which encapsulates this ethos in a democratic partnership uniquely combining the involvement of parents with the professional role of teachers.
The Spiritual, Ethical curriculum supports and implements the guiding principles and ethos of the school by covering a wide range of religious, moral, social and ethical issues, with no specific emphasis in any one religion.
The knowledge and attitudes which the children derive from either their own religious or no-religious philosophies and beliefs are a significant resource which may be drawn on during spiritual, ethical curriculum classes.
The ethical curriculum is divided into four strands:
Strand 1: Moral & Spiritual
The general aim of the strand is to help develop in children a critical knowledge, understanding and awareness of right and wrong and a heightened awareness of social, ethical and moral standards through reflecting on the meaning and purposes of life. The strand should encourage and develop the individual on the journey to inner discovery and empower the child to make informed moral decisions.
Strand 2: Equality & Justice
The general aim of this strand is to develop in children a critical knowledge, understanding and awareness of issues relating to human rights, equality, culture and diversity, social justice and social inclusiveness and to empower them to make a difference.
Strand 3: Belief Systems
The general aim of this strand is to develop in children a critical knowledge, understanding and awareness of the teachings of religious and non-theistic belief systems and how these systems relate to our shared human experience. The emphasis will be placed on an exploration of the infinite variety and richness of humankind through nurturing a respect for a person’s right to hold and practice individual belief systems and through creating spaces where values can be articulated and critically examined.
Strand 4: Ethics & the Environment
The aim of this strand is to develop in children a knowledge, appreciation and respect for their environment and to empower them to take an active role in its stewardship.
The Learn Together Curriculum is designed to be integrated into the National Curriculum, or taught in distinct classes.
Educate Together provides on-line in-service training and support for teachers in the Ethical Education curriculum
Denominational Instruction (Faith Formation Outside School Hours)
The school offers its premises outside school hours for those parents who wish to have their children receive religious instruction in their own faith. These classes are organised by a parents’ committee.