Wicklow Educate Together National School Board of Management Meeting Thursday 19th September 2019 Report to the School community
Present Robert Greene, Sinéad Watson, Eamonn O’Hanrahan, Koryne Smyth, Brian Fitzsimons, Michelle Adebisi, Graham Byrne, Anthony O’Rourke
Primary Language Curriculum training notification.
October 18th school event
The Percent for Art project is now completed. Fran will be invited to officially open the project. The children will play an integral part and there will be coffee and tea for parents afterwards. Both the BOM and the PTA will donate money for a voucher and a gift for Fran on the day, in thanks for her many years of service.
Principal’s Report The report detailed the current pre-enrolment numbers for 2020
The report contained the school’s pupil numbers by class. This is the number returned to DES for the annual statistics. There are 417 children currently enrolled.
Premises The school have received a budget for the new extension. New extension will now need to be put out to tender.
Snag list – no further update.
Finance The Board agreed that in the future, the office may need to be divided into two sections to give office staff a quieter area to work in and for issues of confidentiality.
The school has received a €5000 grant for culture week.
Aftercare – The school is currently registering with TUSLA.
Voluntary Contribution letter will be sent to parents in the coming weeks.
Strictly funds – current expenditure record for the Strictly funds was shared
School Policies Child Safeguarding Statement was ratified.
Checklist for annual review of the anti-bullying policy and its implementation were ratified.
The Board will look at the mobile phone policy and enrolment policy later in the school year.
Positive Behaviour Code policy has been drafted.
After School Activities Extra curricular activities will begin again in the middle of October. The Board will continue to review Breakfast Club going forward.
The school has put itself forward for an Ethos evaluation. It is also subject to inspectorate from the department.
The National Members Forum will be on the 12th October 2019 in Glasnevin ETNS
Upcoming events
Bake Sale – October 25th
Winter Fair- November 24th
The Board’s term is coming to an end. There will be an election for new parents’ and teacher nominees to the Board.
Date of next meeting – October 15th 2019
The Board also considered some routine matters, which for reasons of confidentiality are not included in this report