Newsletter 23rd March 2021

Important Dates

School Closure – The school will close for the holidays on Friday 26th March for all pupils. The school will reopen on Monday 12th April.

Friday 26 March Home time Arrangements
11.20 Junior Infants collection
11.30 Senior Infants collection
11.50 Buses leave
12.00 1st-6th – Letters L – Z
12.20 1st-6th – Letters A – K

Dear parents/guardians

It has been lovely to have all of the classes back to school these last few week. We have had a very positive re-opening and we continue to work hard to keep everyone in the community safe, well and in school.

In order for us to maintain this we ask for parent support as follows:-

The school is open for pupils 8.40-9.00am. These twenty minutes give ample time and physical space for all 420 pupils to arrive to school on time. Pupils arriving earlier than 8.40 are gathering and causing congestion at the front entrance at the same time as staff are entering the building. We have received complaints about this congestion and insist that pupil arrival is timed from 8.40. We will contact individual families if this issue continues after the Easter Holidays.

In line with public health advice we ask that staff and pupils keep their social contacts to a minimum over the coming weeks.

All those dropping and collecting at the school must wear a face covering and must leave promptly from the school once your child has been collected – Many thanks.

Please be aware that due to HSE Covid 19 safety protocols, as well as other staff absences we are experiencing a changeable staffing situation. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of substitute teachers, this can result in a restructure of our staffing in order to provide for the teaching and learning of each class. On these occasions, in line with DES guidelines, our support teachers are required to pause their usual support work and teach a whole class for the time required. We make every effort to find substitute teachers whenever possible, so as to reduce the pressure on the support team and to provide essential support teaching as fully as possible to those pupils who need it.

I would like to extend special thanks to all of the staff for their tireless work this term, in particular during school building closure. We would all like to congratulate teacher Caoimhe on her recent engagement. And we extend warm wishes to Mary Dee and Isobel O’Duffy who retired this term. Isobel has taught at the school for the last 10 years and will be greatly missed by pupils and colleagues. Mary has been Deputy Principal at the school since September 2004 and has played a vitally important role at the school for 17 years and has guided, with care the development of the school, its staff and pupils during her time. We look forward to marking these retirements at a later date when it is safe to do so. The position of deputy principal will be filled by open competition later next term.

I wish to thank you all for your understanding of the challenges we face at present and I hope these will become a thing of the past as soon as possible. We look forward to a safe return to school for all on Monday 12th April

With all best wishes


Leaving the School – If your child or children are leaving the school at the end of this school year, we would appreciate if you could email [email protected] or call the school office as soon as possible to allow us to plan for September.

Returning to Homework – Homework will resume for all classes on Monday April 12th . Homework will be shared with you through Seesaw each day. While we anticipate that schools will be open after the Easter Break, we will be sending home the book boxes on Friday, as a precaution.

Nut Free School – Reminder that we are a nut free school. Please be mindful of this when preparing lunches. Please ensure no nuts or nut products are included as we have some severe allergies at the school.

Return to Education Declaration – A reminder that a return to education declaration must be completed on Aladdin if your child is absent from school or leaves early due to illness. This declaration will be visible in Aladdin from 3pm on the day your child is absent/leaves early and must be completed prior to your child returning to school.

School Transport – The closing date for applications for school transport for September 2021 is Friday 30th April 2021. See link below for details.

Lost Property Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings are named. Please see attached our current lost property items, email [email protected] if any of these items belong to your child.

Dogs – We would like to remind parents that dogs are not permitted on the premises at any time


Lost Property

Please keep up to date with information from Wicklow Educate Together NS which is available through weekly newsletter, texts to parents, school wide notices & school website Wicklow Educate Together N.S. are not on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media. For any queries, questions or feedback please email [email protected] or call the school office Lisa or Alma (0404 62786). Please contact Sinead school principal for any further clarification or information [email protected].