Forest School by Síofra Killeen
“Forest school takes place in a lovely forest and has a series of beautiful trees including oak, beech, lime, sycamore and horse chestnut. If you’re quiet enough you can maybe see or hear some squirrels or other animals. You can enjoy a nice forest trail and during the spring or early summer the smell of wild garlic.
We did lots of fun activities. We made clay animals using natural woodland tools, measured trees, figured out their height and made parachutes.
Forest school is so much fun – we have got to climb trees, build forts and just have fun.”


Forest School by Iona Murnane

“This term Kate’s 4th class started going to Forest School in Rathnew every Friday. We learn about trees, leaves and animals that live in the forest. We do art, drama, science and other subjects. We also play games.
Free play is a time after we eat lunch when we get to climb trees and build dens. The best thing about forest school is hanging off a tree and pretending to be a sloth!
Last year there was a squirrel at forest school but this year I haven’t seen him. When he comes back let’s hope he has a letter of absence for the teachers!”


My class started forest school this term. It feels like FOREVER since I was there in 3rd class. Free is play is where we build forts and chat. It felt as if I lived there. The currency is pine cones which we use to buy sticks and things off each other. It’s been great in forest school. The bus, the sticks, the life, but the mud isn’t nice …..ew …..”


Faye Kane, Kate’s 4th class
“This term Kate’s 4th class went to Forest School in Rathnew every Friday. In forest school we played games, talked and walked around discussing different things in the forest. After we eat, we get free play which is a time where we can build dens, play games for chat with your friends. Forest School is really fun and I’m sure the rest of Kate’s 4th class would agree by far”.

Bobby, Kate’s 4th Class.
“For the past few weeks, Kate’s 4th class have been going to Forest School! In forest school you do activities, games and sometimes even role play! After eating lunch, we do something called freeplay! Everybody in freeplay does fun games, talk to your friends and build amazing things! I personally enjoy running my shop in free play. I supply people with wood and other things. We are all very happy at forest school. Thank you to everybody that organised this for us”.
