Present Graham Byrne, Sinéad Watson, Caoimhe Doyle, Eamonn O’Hanrahan, Brian Fitzsimons, Anthony O’Rourke, Michelle Adebisi

Apologies Ciaran Buckley,

NB – This was an online meeting due to social distancing measures.

Covid 19 The BoM conducted a walkthrough of the school. The following points were discussed


  • Cleaners and caretaker are currently in school every day.
  • All staff have to sign in and complete back to work forms.
  • Staff are beginning to pack up and clear out their classrooms.
  • Books/work to be boxed up and collected by parents at staggered times – parents to return rental books at this time. This will need to be done outside the school building.
  • Covid 19 response plan the school will use the Covid checklist provided by the Government,
  • Covid 19 worker representatives will be needed from within the staff – training may be necessary for the staff members nominated.
  • Storage of excess furniture is an issue. There is the possibility of storing furniture under the stairs. Quotes have been obtained for this work and will investigate further.
  • An isolation room in school will need to be identified.
  • Classrooms will need to be set up with as little clutter as possible.
  • The staff room will need to be set up with smaller tables to allow social distancing.
  • Yard The council are offering stencils to use to paint yard games on the surface, this work will be completed by the caretaker during the holidays
  • All employees will need formal training before returning to work.
  • Front office – not suitable for 2 people due to close contact so one member of office staff so an alternative solution will be required
  • Parents may not be allowed access to the school building. The Board will await further information on this from the Department.
  • All payments will need to go online
  • Child friendly signage to be designed for use around the school.
  • The school may need to invest in a number of new books to ensure there are enough for home and school.
  • Interviews for vacant staff positions in school will be online using Zoom.


Finance The school will not be renewing the gardening contract this year as the caretaker will be taking on this role. Some investment will be needed in gardening equipment

There will be a reduction in income levels for the school with uncertainty around aftercare and out of school activities. This will also affect staff who run these activities.

It is currently unknown what grants will be available for Covid-19 related expenses.

Bus escort grant will be paid in around October time.

Last year there were 27 unpaid sundries, this has a negative impact on school funds. There has been an excellent uptake in sundries payments for the forthcoming school year.

Refunds will be paid to parents for forest school and swimming lessons that were cancelled.

Date of next meeting Monday 22nd June

The Board also considered some routine matters, which for reasons of confidentiality are not included in this report