Dear school community
It is lovely to be able to reflect on the fantastic teaching and learning that is happening in Wicklow Educate Together NS. The children have all settled back into school life admirably, and have worked hard over the last 2 months. The staff of the school deserve high praise and thanks for their wonderful work and commitment to the children and their learning and to keeping the school a safe and happy place for all.
Thank you to all of volunteers who help out alongside the staff each morning at drop off -it is greatly appreciated. And special thanks to all the families of the school, your support means a huge amount and we look forward to continuing after midterm all of the measures adopted to help keep our school open in a safe manner.
We are really looking forward to seeing the boys and girls dressed up tomorrow, Friday 23rd October. Dressing up is optional and if some children are not comfortable dressing up, they can wear their normal clothes to school on Friday. No scary costumes, props, weapons or masks please. The emphasis is on fun not frightening.
School is closed for the mid-term break from Monday 26th to Friday 30th October. We hope everyone has a safe, restful and enjoyable break. Please adhere to the governments restrictions and stay safe. In the event that you feel you need to contact the school, due to a Public Health emergency, please email [email protected].
Thank you all, with my best wishes Sinead principal
Admissions for Junior Infants 2021. The application ‘window’ for those interested in applying for a place in Junior Infants in September 2021 will be open from Tuesday November 2nd- Tuesday 24th November. All details, including the application form, will be available online, please check the school website in late October for all documents. Please note that the school is currently making offers of school places which had been accepted (via a pre enrolment list) prior to the commencement of Section 62 of the Education (Admission to Schools Act 2018) on 1 February 2020.
Lost Property Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings are named, unfortunately it is not always possible to return unidentified items, these will be recycled at the end of each half term.
Allergies Please remember that we are a nut free school due to nut allergies and no strawberries, eggs, dairy or fish in Lorna’s class and no dairy, eggs, or soy in Kate’s Junior infants
Parent Teacher Communication Please remember to direct all communication with your child’s teacher to [email protected]. If you wish to discuss a matter via telephone please email this request to info with a brief outline of the agenda for the meeting. Face to face parent teacher meetings that we normally arrange each November will not take place in our usual format, we await DES advice on these arrangements and we will keep you informed. Please be aware that visibility to [email protected] mailbox is restricted to Sinéad Watson and Lisa Jervis.
COVID 19 Advice and documents Please find attached 3 documents that you may find useful
- A letter from the Minister for Education Norma Foley
- HSE: A Parent’s Guide
- HSE: A Quick Isolation Guide
School Calendar We are working on producing a school calendar again this year. We are offering ad space to the school community to raise funds to cover some part of the printing costs. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in sponsoring an ad and we will contact you directly. Many thanks
Request for Voluntary Contributions
Unfortunately, the grants provided by the DES do not cover the running costs of our school & PTA fundraising opportunities are severely curtailed this year due to the pandemic. Thus, your annual contributions are vital to the day to day running of the school, and we are very grateful for your continued support.
For some families setting up a small monthly payment can be easier to manage than trying to pay the full request, but we are genuinely grateful for any contribution that you can manage, especially in this challenging climate. All contributions are received and processed in confidence and details of individual contributions are not shared with the Board.
The Board suggests an annual contribution of €100 (€8.33 per month if paying by standing order) per family with one child attending, or €180 (€15 per month) for families where 2 or more children attend our school.
Bank details to facilitate an online contribution are :
Account Name: Wicklow Educate Together NS
IBAN: IE08 AIBK 933619 05417048
(Remember to add your surname and VC as the reference)
Online payment is preferred but if this is not an option, please return the attached form indicating the amount that you will be contributing. Envelopes can be left in the white box outside the office or posted to the school (FAO Lisa Jervis).
Thank you for supporting your school
Signed English Version – School Communities
A Parents Guide to Close Contacts in School 12102020 HPSC (1)