NEWSLETTER – 28 June 2023

Thursday 29th June – Early close tomorrow for all pupils.

11.45    6th class pupils leave

12.00    Buses leave school grounds

12.10    Junior & senior infants leave

12.20    1st – 5th class pupils leave

As the school year draws to a close, we look back on a wonderful year of school, fun, learning and hopefully some special memories.

It has been lovely to return to our senior assemblies, dress up days, winter concert and culture week. The children have all enjoyed their recent school tours, active month and of course, sports day.

We have had a fantastic year of sporting events and competitions, from athletics, to chess, GAA football and rugby to mention a few. Huge thanks to all who took part and to Eamonn for always making sure we didn’t miss out on an opportunity to participate.

The Student Council have been very active this year. They have been helping out a great deal, especially with gaining additional rugby recourses for the school through Aldi, thanks to all for supporting. They organised the ‘wear red day’ at Easter and have since visited the Ombudsman for Children’s Office and thoroughly enjoyed their day there.

We have noticed a significant increase in children walking, cycling and scooting to school. We have re-introduced the Golden Boot award, with the winners being announced each week. There will be a new bicycle rack installed during the holidays thanks to a Green Schools initiative.

5th and 6th class continued to learn a taster of Spanish as part of primary languages ‘say yes to languages’ initiative, funded by the DES and we are pleased that 5th and 6th will have the opportunity again next year.

We were delighted to confirm that ‘Sherpa Kids’ will operate an after-school service next school year, commencing in October. Registration information will follow shortly.

Sincere thanks to our PTA committee for their wonderful work throughout the year. We had an opportunity to thank the committee formally at last week’s coffee morning. The cookbook is really lovely, it is a great success and huge thanks to all cooks who contributed and the PTA for all hard work involved. The cookbook features recipes from all around the world, inspired by our international food fair. It is available to buy through Aladdin.

We were very proud of our 6th class as they graduated last evening. They are well prepared and ready for the next stage of their school life.  We will miss you 6th class, keep in touch and wishing you every success and happiness in the future. And special thanks to the many families who have been with us for a number of years and now say goodbye. Huge thanks for all your support over the years.

A special word of thanks to all the staff who helped prepare for the graduation ceremony-it was really successful. And all the 5th class parents who helped prep and serve refreshments. Thank you all so much.

Class lists for 2023/2024 will be available on Aladdin by the end of the month.

I also have some staff updates to share with you. We wish Laura and Marie all the best, as they head off but we look forward to seeing them back in school in the future. Naoise will also be heading away but will be back with us initially in the new school year. We wish Louise Nelson all the very best for her upcoming Summer wedding. Teacher recruitment continues and it will be just before we return to school that staff lists will be confirmed and communicated.

We will be saying goodbye to Alison who moves to another school. Thank you so much Alison for your hard work and dedication at our school over the last 12 years. We wish you all the very best in your new role.

And we also bid a very fond farewell to Paula who retires after a lifetime of teaching and 17 years in our school. Paula thank you so much for the huge impact you have had on our school and your positive influence on staff, pupils and parents. Wishing you a wonderful retirement, with no doubt, many adventures ahead.

As always we are so grateful to our wonderful office staff and caretaker. Sincere thanks for all you do for me, the staff, the children and the parents-we absolutely know how lucky we are and we hugely appreciate it Garry, Lisa, Alma, and Debbie. Debbie thank you so much for your wonderful work with us this term and last.

And special thanks to all our parents for your amazing support and trust you give us on a daily basis. I hope you and your families enjoy a wonderful Summer.

All my best,
