Dear school community,

School Calendar We are delighted to confirm that our school calendar is now available to purchase through the Aladdin app. The school calendar is one of the most important fundraisers of our school year. This year we were unable to host our wonderful winter fair or any of the other fundraising events that would normally take place throughout the school year and so we would greatly appreciate your support for our school by purchasing a school calendar.

It is wonderful to see the children taking part in outdoor learning classes this school year and taking advantage of the amazing outdoor space we have. Funds raised from the sale of the calendar this year will go toward the further development of the outdoor learning space for the children to enjoy.

This year’s calendar can be purchased using the Aladdin payment link which will be sent by email today. The closing date for ordering is Friday 10th December. If you wish to purchase a calendar please click on the payment link sent by email and enter the amount you wish to spend in the payment field.

Prices are as follows:

1 calendar                €10.00

2 calendars              €17.00

3 calendars              €25.00

4 calendars              €30.00

5 calendars              €35.00


Parent Teacher Meetings will take place in January, these will be telephone calls with parents/guardians. We will be in contact in early January to schedule the meetings

School Building Extension Update Following on from DES sanction of one additional needs classroom, 2 support rooms and associated spaces the assigned architect is working with the school on a brief to DES specification

Pods Please note that these will change on Monday 29th November in all classes

New Procedure re Covid Response Please be aware that the school will continue to notify the whole school community where there is a positive case in the school, once explicit consent has been provided.

The Department of Education has confirmed arrangements for a new system of antigen testing of asymptomatic close contacts in primary schools put in place by the HSE.

Where a child in the pod has had a PCR test that detected COVID-19. Where two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 occur in a class, within a seven-day period, outside of a single pod, antigen testing will be offered to the full class.

Parents/guardians of a primary school child, who has been confirmed as having COVID-19 following a PCR test, are asked to inform their school’s principal. The school principal will then inform the parents of other children in the pod of a confirmed case. No personal details of the child will be shared. These parents will be provided with the option to receive free antigen tests for their child, which they will be able to order for delivery to their home. Parents will need to provide their name and home address together with the school’s roll number when they call to organise delivery of the antigen tests. A box of 5 antigen tests will then be delivered to the address provided by the parents with instructions on how and when to do the tests. Parents should carry out one antigen test on the day that they receive the box of tests, a second test 2 days later, and a third test 2 days after that. A QR code will be provided to afford parents the opportunity to upload their test result, to inform the HSE, if they wish.

It is not mandatory for children to participate in antigen testing. Children who are in a pod where a child has tested positive for COVID-19 can continue to attend school, whether they participate in antigen testing or not, provided that they are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.

If a child displays any symptoms of COVID-19 they should self-isolate immediately and a parent or guardian should arrange a PCR test.

School principals will not be required to gather evidence of participation or of antigen test results.

Please find attached the letter to parents with all of the information in detail.

DoE letter to Parents re Antigen Testing 25.11.2021 EV