Minutes of PA Meeting:
Purpose of Meeting:
To form a committee.
Date: January 19th 2017.
Attendees: Janice Doyle, Margarita Nowicka, Sue Corrigan, Caoimhe Doyle, Sarach Voight, Paula Ryan and Rob Greene
Apologies: Chris and Anthea Lang, Karina Mozdzierka, Sonata Urbonaviciene
Sonata no longer can be part of the committee but is willing to volunteer
Karina cannot attend Thursday evenings due to work commitments
- Brief review of composition and work of planning group and election of committee.
Paula and Rob discussed an overview of previous PTA committees, how they have formed and progressed to date.
- Nomination and Election of officers of this committee:
Chairperson: Caoimhe Doyle
Secretary: Jamie Boyce
Treasurers: Margarita Nowicka and Sue Corrigan
Teacher Liaison Officer: Paula Ryan or Eileen Power
Committee Members: Janice Doyle, Anthea Lang, Chris Lang, Karina Mozdzierka, and Sarah Voight
Board of Management Members: Gerry O Neill or Koryne Smith.
- Handover from Planning Group to new committee – mostly NPC related
Discussion held, Paula and Rob outlined the role of the NPC
- NPC (National Parents Council) – the school have become members of this council and can access this as a useful resource. Resources include training committee members and holding information evenings for parents on issues arising for children within the school setting.
- Need to pay for the membership of the NPC. Approximate cost is 75 euros per committee group. This needs to be paid as soon as possible.
- Insurance for the PTA needs to be sought and paid for asap – covers mainly offsite events which include the St. Patrick’s Day parade
- Jamie to set up group email for committee members and distribute asap
- For the PTA to work in partnership with the BOM (Board of Management)including communication networking and fundraising
- NPC have advised the school to set up a PTA Constitution asap
- Regular meetings need to be held between the Chairperson of the PTA, a board member and the Principal Sinead Watson
- Possibility of the PTA committee to run from January 2017 – December 2017.
- An agreed approach for parents to participate within the school activities that are organised by the PTA
- Need to review how the class liaison officer can be elected per class and the role is to pass on information from each class and feed that back to the PTA
An outline of the AGM scheduled for the 26th January at 7.15pm.
- A Principal’s Report by Sinead Watson
- A financial Report by Corinne Smith
- A speaker from a previous PTA committee to give an overview of the PTA to date. Janice will ask Yvonne to speak regarding this matter at the AGM 2017.
- A Health and Safety report by Gerry O’ Neill which will include subcommittee participation
- An afterschool report by Lisa Jervis – Afterschool Co-ordinator
- An introduction of the committee elected given by Caoimhe Doyle and outline an EGM to take place before the school ends in June 2017 to facilitate a discussion regarding a plan and vision for the school and its future agendas.
- A Board member will give a presentation to Yvonne to thank her for her all her hard work, dedication and running of the PTA for the school.
- AGM minutes from 2016 have been sought by the new committee of 2017
- The store room was shown to the PTA for storage purposes
- Jamie requested a small filing cabinet for storage of all documents used on the PTA committee
- Deirdre from the Educate Together Office can facilitate a discussion regarding the plan, vision and ethos etc of the school at a future PTA meeting. To be confirmed.
- Caoimhe to outline at the AGM that the PTA have become affiliated with the NPC and can invite speakers to give presentations and talks to the parents in the school.
- Caoimhe to write a piece outlining the new commitee through the school newsletter if possible.
- Potential dates for the forthcoming PTA meetings
- January 26th 2017 = AGM
- February 22rd 2017 (all Wednesdays to include Karina where possible)
- March 22rd 2017
- April 25th 2017
- May 24th 2017
- June 28th 2017
- (July 26th 2017,August 23rd 2017 – not sure whether to include the summer holidays or not)
- September 27th 2017
- October 25th 2017
- (November 29th 2017, December 13th 2017 – not sure if I should enclose these dates either) Only suggestions at this time.
- Committee elected and seconded
- The committee to pay membership to the NPC
- The committee to pay for the Insurance of the PTA
- Jamie to set up a group email to distribute minutes and agendas of meetings
- For the PTA to work in partnership with the BOM
- For the PTA to set up a constitution
- Caoimhe to introduce the committee at the AGM on the 26th January 2017
- Caoimhe to write a piece regarding the new committee and distribute to all parents of the school through the school newsletter if possible
Jamie Boyce.
Secretary of the PTA.