This weeks newsletter
Dear school community, Wednesday 2nd May IMPORTANT ADVANCE NOTICES: The school will be closed for all pupils on Friday 4th May for staff training. This training is mandatory [...]
Dear school community, Wednesday 2nd May IMPORTANT ADVANCE NOTICES: The school will be closed for all pupils on Friday 4th May for staff training. This training is mandatory [...]
Rory's class have been working in art to create very unique clay heads. The process began by making a foundation for the head through fixing together cardboard pieces wrapped in [...]
For art this week 6th class worked with clay to bring to life their alien head creations. We discussed after what inspired them. As always everyone was very complimentary and [...]
As part of our celebration of friendship fortnight, 6th class plan to spend time getting to know children in different classes in the school. Our first port of call was [...]
Dear school community, Wednesday 18th April 2018 IMPORTANT ADVANCE NOTICES: School photos – Please return form & fees in envelope provided by tomorrow Thursday 19th April. The school will [...]
4th Class visited Wicklow jail on Thursday. It was a great trip and in preparation for the visit Carol the student teacher who has been in the class for the [...]
Dear school community, Wednesday 21st March REMINDER: School will close at 12.30 this Friday 23rd March for Easter holidays. We will reopen on Monday 9th April. IMPORTANT ADVANCE NOTICES: [...]
There is some amazing art on the corridors of our school at the moment. Some has been inspired by the intercultural week and artists from the different countries each class [...]
Dear school community, Tuesday 6th March IMPORTANT ADVANCE NOTICES: Registration night for those who have received an offer of a place for Junior Infants 2018 will be held on [...]