

Minutes of PTA Meeting, 11th May 2016

By |May 11th, 2016|Categories: PTA Meetings|

Present: Yvonne Garrigan, Janice Doyle, Amber Godwin, Deirdre Flanagan, Tara Crawford Apologies: Sinead Watson, Rebeka Gemmell, Magda Joyce, Oona Frawley, Toni Walsh, Isobel O’Duffy, Sophia Cussen, Aoife Kelliher, Kate Kelly 1. Active Week Active Week runs from Monday [...]

BOM Meeting Minutes Wed 11th May 2016

By |May 11th, 2016|Categories: BOM Meetings|

Wicklow Educate Together National School Memo of Minutes of BOM Meeting, Wednesday May 11th 2016 Present – Robert Greene, Sinéad Watson, Eamonn O’Hanrahan, Donna Connolly, Kenia Puig Planella, Jerry O’Neill, Koryne Smyth Apologies - Michelle [...]

Minutes of BoM Meeting, 26th April 2016

By |April 26th, 2016|Categories: BOM Meetings|

Present Robert Greene, Sinéad Watson, Eamonn O’Hanrahan, Donna Connolly, Kenia Puig Planella, Jerry O’Neill, Koryne Smyth. Apologies - Michelle Adebisi New Building Donna detailed the progress that has been made on the new school building [...]

Minutes of BoM Meeting, 13th April 2016

By |April 13th, 2016|Categories: BOM Meetings|

Present Robert Greene, Sinéad Watson, Eamonn O’Hanrahan, Donna Connolly, Kenia Puig Planella, Michelle Adebisi. Apologies - Jerry O’Neill, Koryne Smyth Matters Arising The interviews for the new caretaker job will take place on Saturday 16th [...]

Minutes of PTA Meeting, 7th April 2016

By |April 7th, 2016|Categories: PA, PTA Meetings|

Present: Yvonne Garrigan, Deirdre Flanagan, Tara Crawford, Sinead Tyner, Aoife Kelliher, Magda Joyce Apologies: Sinead Watson, Kate Kelly, Janice Doyle, Lisa Jervis, Vanessa Shipman, Toni Walsh, Isobel O’Duffy 1. Farewell to Marine House We don’t [...]

Paddy’s Day Parade 2016 “100 Years of Marine House”

By |March 17th, 2016|Categories: Archive, Events, School, Students|Tags: |

A hundred hundred thank yous and well done to each and every one of the 120 kids and 80 parents (and extended families!) that turned out for Paddy's Day Parade, suited and booted, and ready [...]

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